
Email Archive

(like a blog, but not)

I hate knowing I've missed everything before I joined an email list. I want to binge!!!

So I'm putting my emails here, in case you're the same. 

If you aren't on the email list, you can get these right in your inbox (and a few days before they show up here)!

We don't sell your info or spam you. You can easily unsubscribe at any time without having to go through 467 annoying steps.

the text that possibly saved my life (it definitely made it less bad) Sep 25, 2023

In September three years ago, I texted a childhood friend to wish her a happy birthday.

We were practically conjoined in high school--same classes, hanging out on weekends, and on the phone for hours each afternoon.

(On a phone that was just a phone--with cords and busy signals. Though we both...

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burn it down? (maybe not. that's a lot of cleanup) Sep 22, 2023

So, I thought my head might implode.

I was at the pharmacy to get new meds for my son.

The lady at the pickup counter said they had the prescription from the doctor, but they needed to order the medication...and that I needed to talk to the pharmacist.

So I went over that line. About 737 games of...

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what's with all the hats? (do they at least complement my face?) entrepreneurship perfectionism Sep 15, 2023

How many times did you ask yourself this week, "whyyyyyyyy do I have to do SO MANY THINGS?"

Life as an adult is exhausting and overwhelming.

I wish I could tell you that all vanishes when you start a business. But then the pants on my lyin' butt would catch fire, and I do not want that headache.

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well that escalated quickly (sorry about that!) career entrepreneurship mindset Sep 07, 2023

The week after Labor Day always feels so...blah.

When I commuted, I always noticed how everyone on the road or the metro looked like kids who'd just been told they could never eat Oreos ever again. 

It's like we collectively understand, regardless of the weather where we live, that summer's...

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i'll probably take this to the grave (but which one?) authenticity entrepreneurship mindset Aug 29, 2023

There are no skeletons in my closet.

There's an entire cemetery.

There’s the Hobby Mausoleum. Entombed here are the remains of quilling supplies, beads, embroidery floss, jewelry paraphernalia, partially completed projects--along with all the craft flotsam I’ve accumulated from my...

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i almost didn't send this (my brain wasn't cooperating this week) mindset perfectionism Aug 25, 2023

At 10:15 pm last night (Thursday), I started this email.

But my goal is to send emails out on Thursday. During the day.

Theoretically, I should’ve made it. I had a draft done earlier this week.

The trouble was, I simply couldn’t finish it. Even though I really like writing.

This was...

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well, i wasn't really ready for that (but guess what happened?) entrepreneurship perfectionism Aug 17, 2023

A short, slim nightstand lived between the twin beds of sisters for at least two generations. What secrets was it privvy to?

The first sisters I know of were my mom and aunt. But for all I know, it may have been in a room with my grandmother and her sister before that.

The second pair was me and...

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why was i crying? (i remember Bette Midler's bra song, but not this?) entrepreneurship womanhood Aug 10, 2023

I can’t remember one of the funniest things I ever heard.

We were sitting around the table at my brother’s house…a bunch of my family, including my octogenarian grandmother.

I don’t remember what we were talking about---or even what she said---but I know it was on point,...

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what did she say? (so. many. f-words) entrepreneurship mindset Aug 03, 2023

Lisa had a saying she loved to use and it stuck with me.

She’d been a chemist in the state forensics lab, ages before NCIS, CSI and Bones made forensic science cool.

I met her after that—when she was a high school chemistry teacher…a job that’s probably never been...

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should i just let it go? (what would you do?) career entrepreneurship Jul 27, 2023

Ladies, we’ve all seen it.

The line snaking out of the restroom.

I eyed this one, watching people shift around, hoping their bladders would hold out. Those at the back rummaged their pockets for snacks–it was going to be a while.

The opposite door had no line. And I really had to pee....

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