
well that escalated quickly (sorry about that!)

career entrepreneurship mindset Sep 07, 2023
Weirdly Wired Women
well that escalated quickly (sorry about that!)

The week after Labor Day always feels so...blah.

When I commuted, I always noticed how everyone on the road or the metro looked like kids who'd just been told they could never eat Oreos ever again. â˜šī¸â˜šī¸â˜šī¸

It's like we collectively understand, regardless of the weather where we live, that summer's officially over.

And that means we’ve boarded the express train to the end of the year.

Now we’ll race through parent-teacher conferences and Halloween and Thanksgiving and SO MANY holiday parties planned for the first two weekends in December and teacher gifts and gifts for everybody and panic at work because it’s the end of the year and HAVE WE MET OUR METRICS?!?

Before we know it, we’re facing the new year, regretting what we didn’t accomplish (and, who are we kidding, probably forgetting to celebrate all we DID accomplish.)

Then we’re planning for next year and asking ourselves, "Holy hell on toast what am I doing with my life?!?!"

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

I know I just shoved end-of-year angst in your face like a Christmas-creeping retailer displaying their holiday stuff in September.

Here's the thing, though:

It's still early enough to head off that career angst before the new year.  

Maybe you already have, if you've gone through the Break Free and Bloom Master Plan worksheets.

And if you haven't...I'm developing a live workshop to help you get them done. But I could use your help...

Would you prefer:

Option 1: One long workshop that covers all of the worksheets?

Option 2: Four short workshops, each focused on a single worksheet (and you could opt in to only the ones you want help with)?

Thanks--you're the best!

Actually looking forward to the leaves changing color,
