
what's with all the hats? (do they at least complement my face?)

entrepreneurship perfectionism Sep 15, 2023
Weirdly Wired Women
what's with all the hats? (do they at least complement my face?)

How many times did you ask yourself this week, "whyyyyyyyy do I have to do SO MANY THINGS?"

Life as an adult is exhausting and overwhelming.

I wish I could tell you that all vanishes when you start a business. But then the pants on my lyin' butt would catch fire, and I do not want that headache.

Yet, while I definitely fear flames consuming the clothes on my body, I've learned not to fear that overwhelm in my business.

It's true that early on, pretty much every business owner wears all the proverbial hats.

But you aren't wearing all the hats all the time, like that peddler with his odd inventory management system.

When you start to feel overwhelmed, it's important to check in with yourself...because it may be time to delegate something out.

You can do that by hiring an employee, if you want. Or by outsourcing to another business. (That's what I do, at least for now.)                                 

In this week's podcast episode, guest Karli Stone and I talk about this very thing, including...

✅  Why it's important to know that even if you're a solo business, you don't have to do everything alone

✅  When to know it's time to delegate

✅  How to figure out the most effective help you can get for the budget you have

Give it a listen here on Spotify, or wherever you stream your podcasts!

Have an awesome weekend,
