
my exciting new summer role (🎶come aboard. we're expecting yoooooou🎶)

Jul 16, 2024
Julie From Love Boat

Hey there!

I've mentioned I like to start my year in the Spring.*

(*For annual goals. I accept the calendar year starts in January.**)

(**For now. Until I become Queen of the World.)



I had goals this Spring.

But the Spring had other ideas. My kiddo needed a lot of focus.

And that's continued into the summer.

It's been stressful.

Now I'm hoping that Fall can be the beginning of my year. 

Until then, I've scaled WAY back on my goals. In fact, there's just one:

Making it through the summer in my unexpected role as Julie McCoy.

(Caption: still shot from the credits of the Love Boat featuring actress Lauren Tewes with the text "and Lauren Tewes as Julie, your Cruise Director")

Summer days orchestrated by an ADHD mom for her ADHD kid are...interesting.

And probably won't end up on anyone's Pinterest board. 🙃🫠

(Caption: gif of intersection with no traffic signals and cars going everywhere)

Ah well.

What's life without a little chaos?

Till the next chance I get some time to write...



(Caption: gif of Julie from the Love Boat clinking two glasses and saying Cheers)